Always wanted to travel to your dream destination but don’t think your budget allows it? Skipped a travel offer because you don’t think you can afford it? Ever thought about going on a trip but couldn’t find someone to take with you, so you didn’t go at all?

If you answered yes to any of these, you’re in the right place. We are here to tell show you that travel doesn’t have to be expensive and you don’t anyone but yourself to explore that fascinating world.

Take Off Kit is your go-to website that will give you all the information you need to book that trip you’ve been dreaming of and a place where you can find the best travel opportunities right now, so you can travel for free (YES! we said that). But first of all, Take Off Kit is a community for all travel lovers out there who want to share or read raw, funny, sad, heartbreaking or totally ridiculous stories from real travelers (like you!) on the road.


We believe that travel can not only be affordable but cheap as well. So here we share the knowledge and the tools that might be helpful for your first, second, third, or n-th takeoff. There is no limit when it comes to travelling. We hope to break travel myths and inspire you to take the journey of a lifetime. This is the basis of Take Off Kit.


Our mission is to inspire young people to travel and break the myth that it is expensive by sharing our insights, travel opportunities and giving a space for stories of fellow traveller’s.

The Founders

Leta and Odeta have traveled the world for the past 10 years together and separately trying to experience as much as possible and with the smallest budget possible. After years of traveling, they have created an international platform for all those who crave travel but just need a little push to hop on their first-ever adventure abroad.


Q: What was your first ever trip?

O: Perhaps, my first trip ever was with my family and we went to Poland to explore the castles. For a little person at that time it was pretty spectacular.

L: My first ever (ever ever) trip was to Germany to visit my aunt and her family. Quite frankly, I don’t remember a thing (I was 8 or so).

Q: What inspires you to travel?

O: I get simply inspired by my friends and the people in my environment. They are my main motivation when it comes to travelling.

L: The people I follow and my good friends who never fail to show me just how much I still haven’t seen in the world. The sheer feeling of discovering something motivates me to travel as much as I can.

Q: What is one thing you always do on a trip?

O: It’s a must to try the local cuisine – in some way it makes you feel like a local. If you haven’t tasted the food, you haven’t been there.

L: I always find a free observation deck or a hill from which I can see the city from above and watch the sunset. Oh, and I definitely buy a fridge magnet to add to my collection.

Q: Where was your most memorable trip?

O: It was my four-month-long trip to South Korea. It was my first time being that far from home but I learned to come out of my comfort zone.

L: Probably my Erasmus+ semester in Budapest. It was one of the longest experiences abroad for me and I managed to visit a few incredible destinations in Europe.

Q: Biggest travel pet peeve?

O: When people spend more time taking photos than exploring new sights. Enjoy the moment and company of your travel buddies.

L: Yes to Odeta’s answer! Also, not doing much but lounging in hotel or beach when travelling. The longest I can tolerate is 1-2 days of complete leisure.

Q: The most favourite travel transport?

O: Trains for trips between the cities as you get to see the most beautiful nature and relax. And planes for longer trips.

L: Trains. I just love the whole atmosphere of trains and how quickly they can get you to your destination. Cars for road trips. Nothing beats a good road trip.



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